Pony Bids

Want to Bid off your Unique Pony?
You'Ve come to the right place!

so how does this work?
1) Comment the name, and type of your pony below. I keep a record of them all so I have a picture of each.
Ex: Hi Im, __, Im auctioning__, A earth pony.
2) Then say what you want for him/her on cs.
Or if your auctioning as a breed able
Ex: __Is a Earth pony Im auction'ing off, I want a pretty pony to be bred with her- so whoever offers the best pony will get to have her/his foals.
3) The person who is offering a Pony to be bred with the pony being auctioned off will post this:
Hi Im __ I'll offer ___ To breed with ___ If I get ___ Of the foals.

Now keep in mind- every time you acquire a pony I put it on the first post you ever had. *Which I created for you* So you will have pretty much picture lists on a post! I have a search bar and a Archive so you can find your post whenever you need to.

So heres a Example bid.

Hi! Im Chubbie and I'm trying to find

A Mate.
Whoever offers the best pony Will Get to breed with her and keep 1 of the foals. Maybe 2.


- l l Toast l l
I like this.

Now if you accept this, i will take it off the Bid section and Breed them. The foals will be separated into the different posts/accounts.
Say there were 3 foals. You would get 1 and she would get 2- because thats what she offered in exchange for a mate.

How to accept? On my thread you can say: "Accepted" Or in comments you can- I will clean out comments when a auction finishes so a new one can start.

Hi! I am The Lone Star Ranger and I am trying to find a mate for BronzeBreeze.
Whoever Has the Best offer will receive 1 of the foals.




  1. The Lone Star RangerApril 7, 2013 at 11:51 PM

    hello :3 im the lone star ranger. lonstar is fine. im trying to find


  2. Hi, this is Xhat~ I'm going to auction off my earth foal, Tommy.
